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Contest for Friday, February 23, 2018

Category: Reddit photoshopbattles photos Posted at 21:26:09

Try writing your own captions:

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And vote in this week's competition:

"how did i get to this point in my life?"

The definition of nightmares

"you said we would go on a walk today"

Vote for this entry (509 votes) By Nelle

Live by the green, wear the green, die by the green, or just have someone stuff it in your mouth.

Why is that laundry so happy? I guess it must be because it doesn't have something dirty in it.

Excuse me young miss, have you seen my reading glasses? I can't find them.

Vote for this entry (504 votes) By Abby

Join the military, they said. See the world, they said.

I ended up a basket case.

Now I'm more skeptical about what they say.

Vote for this entry (470 votes) By C

Um... Is that a Churro? Or a really green green banana? Or... Heck, I don’t know what that is. Nessesary for boot camp, obviously. Heh heh. Or that dude is just angry at the other dude.

Laundry, oh laundry, who could not be happy with that freshly-done laundry smell? Not so happy when it’s NOT freshly done, though...

Who do you think you are? Me? Oh, I’m Professor of Adorableness at Be A Good Dog Academy. Yes, that’s real. It does exist. Totally.

Vote for this entry (462 votes) By Katie

Vote for this entry (446 votes) By Nelle

"How did i get to this point in my life?"

The definition of nightmares

"You said we would go on a walk today!"

Vote for this entry (433 votes) By


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