Welcome to mypalmike's daily caption contest. Every day, you will find a new contest with 3 photos. The challenge is to write the most funny, clever, and/or though-provoking words to link the photos.
Besides writing captions, you may also vote for your favorites. Voting for a caption simply means you liked that caption. You may vote for any number of captions for a given contest. The caption that gets the most votes wins.
The currently winning caption is displayed on the front page. You can see all captions for a given contest by clicking on the link below the photos.
Good luck!
15 February, 2017: You can now use markdown (no images though) to make fancy captions.
Current leader: I knew this reminded me of somet with 104 votes
Current leader: SuperNinjaCat with 138 votes
Current leader: Cat O'Fate with 107 votes