Welcome to mypalmike's daily caption contest. Every day, you will find a new contest with 3 photos. The challenge is to write the most funny, clever, and/or though-provoking words to link the photos.
Besides writing captions, you may also vote for your favorites. Voting for a caption simply means you liked that caption. You may vote for any number of captions for a given contest. The caption that gets the most votes wins.
The currently winning caption is displayed on the front page. You can see all captions for a given contest by clicking on the link below the photos.
Good luck!
15 February, 2017: You can now use markdown (no images though) to make fancy captions.
(AB) right left right left
down down
Current leader: I knew this reminded me of somet with 118 votes
An intruder in the house!
I called in my trusty sidekick, SuperCozyCat.
Now if I can only get a grip on this sword.
Current leader: SuperNinjaCat with 152 votes
You may wonder what I'm doing in this box.
You're destined to bring me home for Christmas, feed and care for me,
just as the mystics foretold.
Current leader: Cat O'Fate with 120 votes