Welcome to mypalmike's daily caption contest. Every day, you will find a new contest with 3 photos. The challenge is to write the most funny, clever, and/or though-provoking words to link the photos.

Besides writing captions, you may also vote for your favorites. Voting for a caption simply means you liked that caption. You may vote for any number of captions for a given contest. The caption that gets the most votes wins.

The currently winning caption is displayed on the front page. You can see all captions for a given contest by clicking on the link below the photos.

Good luck!

15 February, 2017: You can now use markdown (no images though) to make fancy captions.

Contest for Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Category: Reddit photoshopbattles photos Posted at 07:15:02

Holidays with family can be too much togetherness.

I think I'll put on my hat and go for a walk,

then come back and play a game of solitaire.

Current leader: Some elbow room please with 32 votes

1 entries, 0 comments

Contest for Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Category: Reddit photoshopbattles photos Posted at 07:15:01
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Get to it, ok?
0 entries, 0 comments

Contest for Monday, December 11, 2023

Category: Reddit photoshopbattles photos Posted at 07:15:02
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0 entries, 0 comments

Contest for Sunday, December 10, 2023

Category: Reddit photoshopbattles photos Posted at 07:15:02

Some people can keep a perfect poker face.

Others, you can read every emotion.

Your perfect poker face won't help here though. Can you tell me why?

Current leader: Poker cat coach with 56 votes

1 entries, 0 comments

Contest for Saturday, December 09, 2023

Category: Reddit photoshopbattles photos Posted at 07:15:01
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0 entries, 0 comments